Slippery When Snowy, or, Jeeps are Tough

Here in west Michigan, we are in the thralls of a real winter. That means our roads, if not full of snow, are sheets of ice. Yesterday morning, on my way to work at the library, a person pulled out directly in front of me. My Jeep’s left front met her Buick’s right rear. Not the way either of us intended to begin our mornings. 

The person said they didn’t see me and pulled out, catching a glimpse of my Jeep as they committed to going. Neither of us were hurt, but now my beloved Bernadette will look as she does until spring, when we can get a new front clip and fender on her. I am quite happy and relieved that she is drivable, though.

In short, beware pulling out onto a slippery winter road. The snow banks are high at the ends of several local roads here, marring visibility. It’s best to go slowly, and please, for every other drivers’ sake, put your phone away. Nothing is so important that it can’t wait when you are driving on icy and snowy roads. We would all like to make it safely to spring! And no, the person who pulled out in front of me was not on their phone. 

As a point of interest, this the second Jeep Cherokee I’ve owned and been in a front-end crash with. Both took it like champs, but my dark blue one never drove again. That was a much more serious accident, and a blog post for another day. I suggest driving a Jeep, though. Subarus are not the only safe vehicle in a crash, and Jeeps are just plain cooler. 

Back To It

The holidays have come and are just about gone. Today is January first. We took down the Christmas decorations. Tomorrow, I go back to work. The kids and my hubby return to school the day after. Schedules resume, and life goes as if the holidays hadn’t happened. 

But this is the beginning of a new year, and with it, there will be new adventures for us all. My first novel debuts in April. That is an exciting adventure that I can’t wait to go on. There will be new stories to write. When spring comes, there will be trail rides to take. The Silver Lake ORV park will open, and we’ll take our Jeeps out there. Speaking of Bernadette, my ’99 Cherokee, she’s getting a lift to help her negotiate the dunes and trails better.

What you looking forward to in the new year? A new project? A new family member or job? Whatever it is, I wish you all the best!